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Archive for the 'Paris Life' Category

New Neighbors

Saturday, September 18th, 2004

Coming home from the poissonnerie this afternoon, I met a little black dog named Mikey (which in French sounds like my-KEY), and his person, a very friendly woman who lives on the 4th floor of our building. Dogs and children make such great reasons for talking to other people, no matter what country you’re in. […]

Note to Self: When the Universe speaks, listen!

Thursday, September 16th, 2004

I got up early today and took the bus all the way across town to the office (EGIDE) that manages foreign fellowship holders for the French Foreign Ministry to get some forms filled for the deferment of my student loans. As I left our apartment, I dreamily circled down the 6 flights of our spiral […]


Monday, September 13th, 2004

Laura and I are finally settled in Paris (as settled as you can be when 400 cars and 200 scooters go screaming by our building every minute). We’ve discovered after a week that everything we could possibly need is within 2 blocks– we have a florist, 3 grocery stores, 7 or 8 brasseries, one Indian […]

The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country.
Robert F. Kennedy Address, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 24, 1967