Coming home from the poissonnerie this afternoon, I met a little black dog named Mikey (which in French sounds like my-KEY), and his person, a very friendly woman who lives on the 4th floor of our building. Dogs and children make such great reasons for talking to other people, no matter what country you’re in. Anyway, as we walked up the stairs together, chatting about our apartment’s former tenants, about Madame’s children, and of course, about Mikey and his “habitudes,” Mikey himself stopped on every landing to roll around on the welcome mat in front of each door–his polite way of marking his territory. It was all a very welcome and serendipitous meeting, since I had been feeling kind of cut-off everyone but store clerks and bureaucrats, who aren’t really interested in engaging you in small talk as you look for correct change or important documents, respectively. Upon our arrival on the 4th floor landing, Madame said good-bye, and graciously suggested that if we ever needed anything, to please come knock on her door. Quelle gentillesse! (How nice of her!) Our conversation did not last long enough for me to find out what kind of profession Madame is in, but one thing is certainly clear: she is probably not a bureaucrat.
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New Neighbors
September 18th, 2004Posted by laura 5:18 pm | In Paris Life | RSS 2.0 | Both comments and pings are currently closed.
September 18th, 2004 at 5:34 pm
Laura forgot to add the part about how the dog only likes girls– so it’s a good thing I wasn’t along, or the Madame would have had to keep Mikey from biting my ankle. 🙂
September 24th, 2004 at 5:49 pm
Chris! Do you speak to Mikey in English, German or French? I met a cat in Brittany once who gave me no response to “hello pretty kitty” in my most dulcette tones, but once I said “allo le chat” the previously snooty cat came to me at once.
I suppose it did not mind my bad gammer or accent!
October 7th, 2004 at 10:56 am
so, b/c miKEY didn’t ‘chat’ on each welcome mat, only rolled…this makes him polite? i can buy that.
October 10th, 2004 at 1:51 pm
I haven’t yet met Mikey, but when I do I’ll be sure to try out any language I can muster up. I’ll bet he’ll respond well to Klingon: nuqneH Mikey! HIghoS!