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JOLT – Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

March 7th, 2013
  • tags: CarlowMBA758 onlineteaching discussion

      • Direct link: ask students to interpret an aspect of a course reading;
      • Course link: ask students to integrate specific course knowledge with the topic of a reading;
      • Brainstorm: ask students to generate any and all relevant ideas for or solutions to an issue;
      • Limited focal: present an issue and several alternatives and ask students to justify a position;
      • Open focal: ask for student opinion on an issue without providing a list of alternatives;
      • Application: present a scenario and ask students to respond using information from a reading.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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The meanings of the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' have been so mercilessly abused over the last twenty years that they offer more information about the person who employs them as insults than they do about the person on whose head they fall like stones.
Lewis Lapham