July 19th, 2009
tags: education, video
tags: languagelearning, gaming
Springville company introduces new DVD to protect data 1,000+ yrs
tags: no_tag
Twitter Handbook for Teachers
tags: twitter, education, microblogging
Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies – Freesouls
tags: pedagogy, literacy, education, technology
Wired Campus: Professor Encourages Students to Pass Notes During Class — via Twitter – Chronicle.com – Annotated
tags: twitter, education, technology, backchannel
Teambox | Project management and collaboration software
tags: collaboration, opensource
A high-quality image projector on your smartphone? | Geek Gestalt – CNET News
The technology isn’t here yet, but microdisplays from Micron may soon make it possible to use smartphones to project high-quality images anytime, anywhere. Read this blog post by Daniel Terdiman on Geek Gestalt.
tags: no_tag
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Posted by chris 12:32 am | In Geekery | RSS 2.0 | Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Il y a dans l'aurore du talent quelque chose de naïf et de hardi en même temps qui rappelle les grâces de l'enfance et aussi son heureuse insouciance des conventions qui régissent les hommes faits.
Eugène Delacroix
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