March 7th, 2010
Why Minimal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work: An Analysis of the Failure of Constructivist, Discovery, Problem-Based, Experiential, and Inquiry-Based Teaching
ofhumancognitivearchitecture,expert–novice differences,andcognitiveload.Althoughun-
tags: constructivism, research, document, cognitivescience
Envisioning the Post-LMS Era: The Open Learning Network (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | EDUCAUSE
tags: pln, lms
Free Technology for Teachers: Auto-captioning Available for All YouTube Videos
tags: captioning, youtube
Digital Transcriber – Free Transcription Software Player
tags: transcription, freeware
Audio Sound Converter Software – Convert wav, mp3, wma.
tags: audio, conversion
| Kaltura: Open Source Video Platform
tags: video, lms, opensource
Pre-Grade Your Paper: Free Online Grammar Checker and More | a.k.a. Paper Grader
tags: writing, plagiarism
Your guide to social e-learning
tags: onlinelearning, socialnetworking, teaching
Learning in Hand: – iPods in Education
tags: ipods, mobile
Welcome to Fotobabble – Talking Photos
tags: digitalstorytelling, audio
Herzfeld – ConcepTests for General Chemistry
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, chemistry
CWSEI – Clicker Resources
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem
P-dog’s blog: boring but important: astronomy clicker question
tags: no_tag
Project Math QUEST
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, mathematics
Physics Education Research at CU-Boulder
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, physics
ConcepTest Examples
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, geoscience
Chemistry ConcepTests
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, chemistry
PAUL J. GREEN – ConcepTests
tags: clickers, classroomresponsesystem, astronomy
Peer Instruction in the Humanities, Arts, Monash University
tags: peerinstruction, humanities, classroomresponsesystem
Clickers (student response devices)
tags: clickers, philosophy, classroomresponsesystem
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Posted by chris 12:30 am | In Geekery | RSS 2.0 | Both comments and pings are currently closed.
The meanings of the words 'liberal' and 'conservative' have been so mercilessly abused over the last twenty years that they offer more information about the person who employs them as insults than they do about the person on whose head they fall like stones.
Lewis Lapham