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Election 2004 Results

November 6th, 2004

The National Tragedy has unfolded, but at least this time it is a clear national tragedy. I’m not going to repeat the sentiments of the other 56,350,113 americans who didn’t vote for Bush here (there’s only so many curse words I can think of at the moment!), but I can point you to the website of Robert Vanderbei, a professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Princeton, who compiled a county-by-county version of the familiar Red-Blue map, which shows which counties voted for Bush and which for Kerry, and which were about 50/50.

Looking at this map gives me more hope than most anything else I’ve read the last few days– it shows that even in the starkest of Red states people aren’t happy with the President. Like I’ve heard said, now that the election is over, we need to get behind the President, and in front of him, and next to him, and all around him, and watch him like a hawk. He may have an ultra-conservative agenda, but at least we’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming down that slippery slope towards fascism.

Check out the map here: Election 2004 Results

Oh, and in happier news, we’ve added some pictures of our recent trips to Lyons and the Loire Valley in “Sturchography”.

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Il y a dans l'aurore du talent quelque chose de naïf et de hardi en même temps qui rappelle les grâces de l'enfance et aussi son heureuse insouciance des conventions qui régissent les hommes faits.
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